Friday, January 11, 2013

From Now On

I will live unchained.

I will live without regrets.

I will make the most of every moment.

I will dedicate myself to loving everything about myself. If I can't love me, I can't love him properly. If I can't love myself, how can he love me?

I will stop living for the future -- I need to live for now.

I will make the best decisions that I am able. I will choose the more difficult path if it is the right one for me.

This lifetime will be for me. And living for me means doing what makes me feel better -- loving Matthew the most I can, offering a hand to strangers in need, gathering the courage to do what I feel I should even if it means speaking up.

I will no longer live in fear of what other will think. Bridges can be burned but they can also be rebuilt.

I will possess this body, not let this body possess me.

I will start my dreams today, not tomorrow.

I will be aware of what I put into my body. I will not eat unconsciously. Everything I put into my body will be a conscious decision.

I will take charge of my life.

I will make this change last.